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May 30, 2011

Lika Liku Sumatif

Helloooo ketemu gue lagi!
I'm about to share some stories about the summative in 'SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta'. let's see..

Sumatif di 8 itu kejam banget.. bahannya dari semester 1.. tapi untungnya Biologi (cuma) dr semester 2 awal. ga bisa dibilang cuma juga deng. Itu ada sekitar 6 bab hapalannya SEABREK.. 
Gue belajar mati-matian deh tuh Biologi melebihi tf tf sebelumnya. Ga cuma baca doang, bener bener dingertiin dan latihan soal. Akhirnya pas hari H Biologi, gue udah tinggal review review doang tuh, udah PD aja ahaha.
5 hari kemudian hasilnya keluar. JENGJENG!
gue cari 2A17017, dan ternyata....... dapet 68 YaAllah sakit hati banget....

It felt like >>

At that moment suddenly "Against All Odds" were playing in ma head and saying to those Biology Teachers,
"I wish I just can make you turn around, turn around and see me cry......"
But I gotta move on :') Math physic and chem are still waiting...
Hey and I felt like those Biology teachers' face were turning into troll's >>
"Problem with the exam, Kids?"
 And Today, We were having physic for breakfast yumm :9 kidding.
but today we were having physic for exam. T'was like >>
      Karenaaa, gue sama sekali ga ngerti Fisika.. gak gitu deng.
Fisika nggak mau ngertiin gue
Tapi gue alhamdulillah dalam sehari itu ada 3 bab yang gue kuasain kok. Fluida, termodinamika, dan Kinetik gas. semoga rasa bersyukur itu bukan cuma PHP... :''')
*pas ujian* -No.1- "HAHA mudah"
-No.2- "eh parahhh lupa rumus"
*ga ngelanjutin nomer 3, lompat ke halaman berikutnya*
"Susah semua masyaAllah.."
*waktu habis* "DIE"

Sia-sia gue 2 hari begadang, buat mahamin fisika, nggataunya soalnya laknat.
FISIKA!!!!! ┒('o'┒) LO, (┌','┐) GUE, ┒(⌣˛⌣)┎ END. #IkutanEmoteNgetrend

Keluar dari ruangan udah kayak desperate house wife. Mata banyak kantung itemnya, kerudung berantakan, tangan item item bekas pensil. Lyf hez bind bettah den diz yu no..
Lalu disambutlah kami para pejuang kelas 11 oleh pengumuman sumatif Matematika. Egile semuanya rebutan dan seneng banget pas tau ga remed. Berasa kayak pengumuman UN deh :')
Alhamdulillah, math gue ga remed B-) lumayan terhibur.

Ohiya btw jadwal sumatif kali ini 4 minggu loh gila kan. Tapi banyak liburnya gitu deh, jadi kayak ga ada hawa sumatif sama sekali. rabu-kamis-jumat-rabu-kamis-jumat-senin-senin.
Tinggal sehari lagi! senin minggu depan! woohooo refreshing bentar boleh lahyaaa :p
well, these are just a plenty of the whole story. Sorry if it's not amusing or entertaning :)
salam nilai bagus(amin),

May 23, 2011

¡uʍop ǝpısdn

I've just found a blog that contains a "make the words upside down" program. 
¡ʇno ʇı ʞɔǝɥɔ 

(: ʎoɾuǝ

Btw tandatangan gue berubah loh!! (kayak jaman sd aja -_-)
Tapi sebelumnya paling awet, dari SD sampe seminggu lalu huehe. Akhirnya skrg pake tandatangan model jaman kelas 5 SD lagi >>
 ahaha itu bikin di sini, pilih yang langsung nulis di screen. Dan bodohnya... gue pilih itu padahal nggak pake tablet mouse -____- yah jadinya begitu deh hasilnya. jelek bener ya..
hahaha byeee kayaknya mau nulis lagi nih gue. ketagihan ngeblog :p 

May 21, 2011

fortune cookies!

I was googling for fortune cookies, and I found the online fortune cookies. gyaaa there're 3 choices. Love, Life, and Funny.
And I got these : 
Love : "Where There is great love, there are always miracles"

Life : "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

Funny : "Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac"

Hahaha, honestly.. it's nice to read them. eventhough I don't believe in fortune cookies :p

May 18, 2011

day of emotion :\

Haff mau curhat dikit di blog boleh lah ya..
Hari ini hari pertama Sumatif semester 2. pelajarannya pkn sama seni rupa. pkn (alhamdulillah) lancar, sama kayak seni rupa juga walaupun gambar ilustrasi gue berubah jadi abstraksi..

jam 10.00 pulang (alhamdulillah bisa belajar lebih lamaa :''] ) trus gataunya disuruh kumpul dulu di ruang osis. oke... gue ikut kumpul. Ada briefing dari PK ttg blablabla trus udah tuh selesai jam stgh 11 bahagia bgt gue, tumben ga ngaret :''''

DAAAAN tiba2 kadir nyuruh PO pd kumpul lg buat intern. DAAAN ternyata lama banget, padahal intinya ya cuma dikit. kebanyakan curhatnya malah >:O padahal itu ga ada di agenda kumpul. Jadi gue ditinggal sama ratih yang tadinya mau pulang bareng -____-

Jadilah gue manusia luntang luntung di sekolah, pertama gue ke kosan temen trus keluar lg ke somat bentar trus ke sekolah lagi -____- 
soalnya : 
1. Ujan
2. ga ada temen buat naik angkot
3. ga suka naik bajaj, mahal
4. jijik naik ojek

Oke, gue tau, gue rebek. milih mau pulang naik apa aja galau. ehiya akhirnya gue milih naik ojek, biar cpt sampe rumah. Sebenernya gue jijik banget loh naik ojek. eeeewwww walaupun ga pegangan ke abangnya, ttp aja, jijik. Itu kan kursinya bekas diipake ratusan orang, dan kita ngga tau orang yang naikin itu punya penyakit nular apa ngga (lebay). Tapi seriusssssss rasanya gue selama perjalanan tuh pengen lompat aja ke jalanan -____-

Yah kalo naik ojek kan gue duduknya miring gitu, ngga ngadep ke abangnya. Nah itu rasanya udah pengen loncat terus ke jalanan T_T. yah gitudeh..
trus gasukanya lagi, kalo naik motor (terutama ojek, gatau kenapa) angin tuh jadi kerasa lebih brutal gitu loh jatohnya di muka kita ahahaha. Padahal kalo dibonceng mbek gue ngga tuh :\

Nah jadi intinya, gue bukan ngga suka ojeknya, tp bukan berati gue ga jijik naik ojek, gue jijik naik ojek tapi ngga sebel sm ojek hari ini (aaaaah bingung sendiri ngejelasin). Yah pokoknya gue ngga suka dengan ketidaksesuaian jadwal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Semuanya jadi berantakan yu no.. dikira orang ngga punya jadwal lain apa? HA?

okedeh itu aja, maaf ya ga jelas dan nyebelin. Seperti kata Komang Shary K
"I blog to express, not to impress"

Semoga semua maklum.

May 10, 2011

fb8 & asc (the show!)

--Sunday, 8 may 2011 - 04.25--
My cell phone's alarm was ringing. I turned it off, but I didn't go to bathroom straight away, I was.. in Indonesia we call it 'ngulet ngulet', you know, like scratching your body on the bed then enjoy your bed for the last minutes before you leave it.
15 minutes later I was ready to go to TMII.

I remembered I didn't bring the free pass with me, so I showed my name tag, and actually it worked! I just had to pay fees for the car. mehehe ;)
When I got there, oh man it was still quiet, There're only 3 people who already got there. Purna, Aluyah, and Karima.

I opened my stand, and OHMYGOD.. the decorations we'd made the day before, had fallen from the pillar. ergh it took hours to make them hung down again you know :(

one hour later, Irfani, our prefect, came with his truck. WOW, he brought 3 plants, a carpet, a TV, a round side table, a fan, speakers, and Brazilian football costumes. what a nice prefect.

And XI IPA A came one by one, bringing the Brazilian foods, Brazilian parade costumes, and even, Imo brought xbox for leased!!!! HAHAHAHA XI IPA A y u sucha big boss :p
That yellow stand behind us? it's XI IPA A's stand, Brazil :)

We used stickers too! But I think they were a bit FAIL :p
oh oh, and about the show, when the opening started, it was raining. so I couldn't go to the lobby to see Roy's speech. But then after the show I found a sweet photo,
It was raining, torrents. While Roy was speaking and nobody step forward, those 4 people from XI IPA G, the 'arabians', stand still in the rain, listened every words Roy said. It's so sweet :') what a loyal friends they are.
This is really my favorite photo so far.

After that, the Principal, Mr Nanang went round the stands. these are the stands >>
XI IPS : Japan
XI IPA B : United Kingdom

XI IPA A : Brazil
XI IPA H : Italy
XI IPA C : The Netherlands
XI IPA F : China
XI IPA E : Korea
XI Inter : Egypt
XI IPA G : Saudi Arabia
XI IPA D : India
trus kelas X nya gue ga ada fotonya huahaha! (jahat)

Setelah itu ada "Master Chef" dari perwakilan kelas.
inilah perwakilan dari XI IPA A!!!!

After that, it was raining, again. I sat with Caca, Manda, Rhesa, Irfani, and Aji inside the stand. we shuffled the iPod which was playing a song from Brazil, into 'Lagu Galau' like : Blue Sky Collapse, After the Rain, and so on. We really enjoyed that moment, for sure. 

Irfani said, "I don't mind if our class doesn't win any awards. I like this moment, togetherness."
Sweet :')

Hey btw our stand sell foods from Brazil! it's Pao de Queijo! cheese balls.
Looks yummy right? hehehe. We sold them for IDR 3000/Pao de Queijo.
want some? just contact XI IPA A, we'll serve them to you ;)

While the chefs were cooking, the Bands from our school performed. They're amazing!

oh!!! XI IPA F had a mascot, they called it 'Kungfu Panda'
when I saw that Panda, I scream to Rhesa immediately, "KYAAA Panda! Take a photograph of me with that Panda!" 
Gagas was holding an umbrella for that Panda hahaha how funny :p
then I said to Panda, "Panda wait, I wanna take a picture of us!" I stood next to Panda, suddenly the Panda asked,
"Who's this?" 
And I knew that voice was Purna's! HAHAHAHA HE BECAME A PANDA-MAN :D
 lucuuuu Pandanya kayak malu malu gitu HAHA dasarrr pupurr -_-
this is another favorite photo so far :3
Everyone love that Panda, they shook Panda's hand and took pictures with him.

And then, "Putra Putri Smandel"! it was a fashion show actually. They're very very very very... wait for it- AWESOME!!! My Favorites are >>



 And here we go.. The Trees and the Wild!

gile, panjang juga post gue kali ini. Capek bikinnya, enakan ngejalanin fb8 nya :p
oh oh oh! Ada 2011 yang dateng juga, thanks to PO XLV yang udah mau dateng <3

In the end XI IPA A actually didn't win anything for fb8. Oh well, we came here not for money or trophy. We came for FUN! hehehe #ngeles 
Oh and I was so disappointed that I couldn't go to see the next show after FB8 & ASC, GEBYAR 8. My dad didn't want his daughter come home late :'(  and he assume that I can't come home by myself. helloooooo I'm almost 17 dad -___-

Monday, 9 May 2011.

I came in to class. It was quiet, but I didn't mind it, XI IPA A always quiet in the morning. 
I came out and walked in the alley, all people I met had bags under their eyes as if they hadn't enough sleep the night before.
When I passed XI IPA F, they showed off the cardboards labeled the nominal they've won.

And I thought,
"how could they possibly proud of having those cardboards eh? The money is still here with me! MEHEHEHEHE"

Suddenly my evil thoughts came out of my mind,
evil : HA! Don't give that money to them! Just save it for the next project!
And the good thoughts came too (?)
good : No, no put. You should give it to them. It's not yours


Haaah I wish we could face the other amazing projects again someday ;)
And there were several things I liked on last Sunday ;;) hehe.
looking forward seeing you again on the next post. 
OBRIGADO! it means, Thankyou!


May 9, 2011

FB8 & ASC (before the show)

Holaaa! Udah baca kan post ttg FB8 & ASC di bawah post ini? Sekarang gue mau share cerita sebelum acara.

In FB8's committee, I was a Treasurer. Which means...

I'm rich!!!!
whoops, I didn't mean to say that ;)

And can you imagine how much was that? over 10 million! whoaaa :O
Everyday (before the show) I carried the pocket to OSIS room and I was like a debt collectors, reminding all the committee to pay the fees for FB8 -__-

But yu no, I realize being a treasurer is good. you just have to safe the money, receive money, give money, LOL I'VE JUST BECOME THE BOSS!

It's difficult to become a treasurer when you have a friend who is STINGY! (sebut saja namanya Anton), He NEVER give his money for monthly cash, NEVER pay any fees for OSIS' event, NEVER willing to take out his money from his pocket. 
"As long as there are free things, why don't we take that?"
Maybe the sentence above is his life guidance. :p

Okay, blah blah sampailah pada hari Sabtu, 7 mei 2011. It's time for decorating the stands!
I went to TMII with Sahil and the gang, at 9.00 -____- we're late, bcs we were waiting for Afiq, and guess what? after Afiq came, he didn't go to TMII with us. And yu no? His face looked so 'bite me!' at that moment >:(

--Decorating time--
I realized that anywhere, anytime, anymoments.. XI IPA A always NGARET!!!!
So I wrote this on the group,
"XI IPA A, yang belum dateng bawa doubletape, gunting, lakban, dll"
And yu no, NO ONE brought things what I'd said. NO ONE, NO ONE, NO ONE OOooOOH~
And I was like wanna scream to the people who didn't bring anything to decore our stand,
"will you make yourself usefull??!!!" asdfghjkl

But thankgod, I didn't do that. I didn't think it would make them workhard though, I know XI IPA A so well :') never wanna help, our favorite job : sleeping, watching movies, gossiping.
(Sebut saja namanya Anggrek), dia iseng minjem kepala Panda punya XI IPA F, trus dipake pake ke depan stand kelas ipa a, (btw stand ipa a Brazilia :3) dan ini fotonya : 
  Ah jadi malu standnya masih sepi waktu itu hehehe.

OHHH!!! mau cerita aja nih, jadi bendahara paling ga enaknya banyak di cari orang buat dimintain duit -___- ga ada romantis romantisnya dikit ye kirain banyak dicari karena kangen gitu, taunya.... T___T

hmm apalagi yaaaa.. 

Ohiya cuma buat dekor doang akhirnya hari Sabtu itu ga jadi ke GO, padahal udah janji mau traktir si Icha (adeknya Irul) -___- duh, so sowwwy ;)

That's one little part of my story before the show ;)
Salam persatuan,