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May 9, 2011

FB8 & ASC (before the show)

Holaaa! Udah baca kan post ttg FB8 & ASC di bawah post ini? Sekarang gue mau share cerita sebelum acara.

In FB8's committee, I was a Treasurer. Which means...

I'm rich!!!!
whoops, I didn't mean to say that ;)

And can you imagine how much was that? over 10 million! whoaaa :O
Everyday (before the show) I carried the pocket to OSIS room and I was like a debt collectors, reminding all the committee to pay the fees for FB8 -__-

But yu no, I realize being a treasurer is good. you just have to safe the money, receive money, give money, LOL I'VE JUST BECOME THE BOSS!

It's difficult to become a treasurer when you have a friend who is STINGY! (sebut saja namanya Anton), He NEVER give his money for monthly cash, NEVER pay any fees for OSIS' event, NEVER willing to take out his money from his pocket. 
"As long as there are free things, why don't we take that?"
Maybe the sentence above is his life guidance. :p

Okay, blah blah sampailah pada hari Sabtu, 7 mei 2011. It's time for decorating the stands!
I went to TMII with Sahil and the gang, at 9.00 -____- we're late, bcs we were waiting for Afiq, and guess what? after Afiq came, he didn't go to TMII with us. And yu no? His face looked so 'bite me!' at that moment >:(

--Decorating time--
I realized that anywhere, anytime, anymoments.. XI IPA A always NGARET!!!!
So I wrote this on the group,
"XI IPA A, yang belum dateng bawa doubletape, gunting, lakban, dll"
And yu no, NO ONE brought things what I'd said. NO ONE, NO ONE, NO ONE OOooOOH~
And I was like wanna scream to the people who didn't bring anything to decore our stand,
"will you make yourself usefull??!!!" asdfghjkl

But thankgod, I didn't do that. I didn't think it would make them workhard though, I know XI IPA A so well :') never wanna help, our favorite job : sleeping, watching movies, gossiping.
(Sebut saja namanya Anggrek), dia iseng minjem kepala Panda punya XI IPA F, trus dipake pake ke depan stand kelas ipa a, (btw stand ipa a Brazilia :3) dan ini fotonya : 
  Ah jadi malu standnya masih sepi waktu itu hehehe.

OHHH!!! mau cerita aja nih, jadi bendahara paling ga enaknya banyak di cari orang buat dimintain duit -___- ga ada romantis romantisnya dikit ye kirain banyak dicari karena kangen gitu, taunya.... T___T

hmm apalagi yaaaa.. 

Ohiya cuma buat dekor doang akhirnya hari Sabtu itu ga jadi ke GO, padahal udah janji mau traktir si Icha (adeknya Irul) -___- duh, so sowwwy ;)

That's one little part of my story before the show ;)
Salam persatuan,


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