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May 10, 2011

fb8 & asc (the show!)

--Sunday, 8 may 2011 - 04.25--
My cell phone's alarm was ringing. I turned it off, but I didn't go to bathroom straight away, I was.. in Indonesia we call it 'ngulet ngulet', you know, like scratching your body on the bed then enjoy your bed for the last minutes before you leave it.
15 minutes later I was ready to go to TMII.

I remembered I didn't bring the free pass with me, so I showed my name tag, and actually it worked! I just had to pay fees for the car. mehehe ;)
When I got there, oh man it was still quiet, There're only 3 people who already got there. Purna, Aluyah, and Karima.

I opened my stand, and OHMYGOD.. the decorations we'd made the day before, had fallen from the pillar. ergh it took hours to make them hung down again you know :(

one hour later, Irfani, our prefect, came with his truck. WOW, he brought 3 plants, a carpet, a TV, a round side table, a fan, speakers, and Brazilian football costumes. what a nice prefect.

And XI IPA A came one by one, bringing the Brazilian foods, Brazilian parade costumes, and even, Imo brought xbox for leased!!!! HAHAHAHA XI IPA A y u sucha big boss :p
That yellow stand behind us? it's XI IPA A's stand, Brazil :)

We used stickers too! But I think they were a bit FAIL :p
oh oh, and about the show, when the opening started, it was raining. so I couldn't go to the lobby to see Roy's speech. But then after the show I found a sweet photo,
It was raining, torrents. While Roy was speaking and nobody step forward, those 4 people from XI IPA G, the 'arabians', stand still in the rain, listened every words Roy said. It's so sweet :') what a loyal friends they are.
This is really my favorite photo so far.

After that, the Principal, Mr Nanang went round the stands. these are the stands >>
XI IPS : Japan
XI IPA B : United Kingdom

XI IPA A : Brazil
XI IPA H : Italy
XI IPA C : The Netherlands
XI IPA F : China
XI IPA E : Korea
XI Inter : Egypt
XI IPA G : Saudi Arabia
XI IPA D : India
trus kelas X nya gue ga ada fotonya huahaha! (jahat)

Setelah itu ada "Master Chef" dari perwakilan kelas.
inilah perwakilan dari XI IPA A!!!!

After that, it was raining, again. I sat with Caca, Manda, Rhesa, Irfani, and Aji inside the stand. we shuffled the iPod which was playing a song from Brazil, into 'Lagu Galau' like : Blue Sky Collapse, After the Rain, and so on. We really enjoyed that moment, for sure. 

Irfani said, "I don't mind if our class doesn't win any awards. I like this moment, togetherness."
Sweet :')

Hey btw our stand sell foods from Brazil! it's Pao de Queijo! cheese balls.
Looks yummy right? hehehe. We sold them for IDR 3000/Pao de Queijo.
want some? just contact XI IPA A, we'll serve them to you ;)

While the chefs were cooking, the Bands from our school performed. They're amazing!

oh!!! XI IPA F had a mascot, they called it 'Kungfu Panda'
when I saw that Panda, I scream to Rhesa immediately, "KYAAA Panda! Take a photograph of me with that Panda!" 
Gagas was holding an umbrella for that Panda hahaha how funny :p
then I said to Panda, "Panda wait, I wanna take a picture of us!" I stood next to Panda, suddenly the Panda asked,
"Who's this?" 
And I knew that voice was Purna's! HAHAHAHA HE BECAME A PANDA-MAN :D
 lucuuuu Pandanya kayak malu malu gitu HAHA dasarrr pupurr -_-
this is another favorite photo so far :3
Everyone love that Panda, they shook Panda's hand and took pictures with him.

And then, "Putra Putri Smandel"! it was a fashion show actually. They're very very very very... wait for it- AWESOME!!! My Favorites are >>



 And here we go.. The Trees and the Wild!

gile, panjang juga post gue kali ini. Capek bikinnya, enakan ngejalanin fb8 nya :p
oh oh oh! Ada 2011 yang dateng juga, thanks to PO XLV yang udah mau dateng <3

In the end XI IPA A actually didn't win anything for fb8. Oh well, we came here not for money or trophy. We came for FUN! hehehe #ngeles 
Oh and I was so disappointed that I couldn't go to see the next show after FB8 & ASC, GEBYAR 8. My dad didn't want his daughter come home late :'(  and he assume that I can't come home by myself. helloooooo I'm almost 17 dad -___-

Monday, 9 May 2011.

I came in to class. It was quiet, but I didn't mind it, XI IPA A always quiet in the morning. 
I came out and walked in the alley, all people I met had bags under their eyes as if they hadn't enough sleep the night before.
When I passed XI IPA F, they showed off the cardboards labeled the nominal they've won.

And I thought,
"how could they possibly proud of having those cardboards eh? The money is still here with me! MEHEHEHEHE"

Suddenly my evil thoughts came out of my mind,
evil : HA! Don't give that money to them! Just save it for the next project!
And the good thoughts came too (?)
good : No, no put. You should give it to them. It's not yours


Haaah I wish we could face the other amazing projects again someday ;)
And there were several things I liked on last Sunday ;;) hehe.
looking forward seeing you again on the next post. 
OBRIGADO! it means, Thankyou!


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