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Aug 23, 2009

please read this

hey, I have a weird story. It's about some of my friends' friends. let's see..

this is a true story from a friend (kok jadi kyk videoklipnya d'masiv -..-)
we call her Lia. She had a very tragic life story.
she had an eye for someone we call fahri. Lia has 3 best friends, they're oca, rini, and Civa.
Lia hide a secret that she loves Fahri from her best friends. She didn't tell them anyway. She kept the secret always and always. until Oca, told her that she loved Fahri. How dissapointed her feeling was. Her best friend loved the same boy as she loved. She hid her feeling from Oca. However, Oca is her best friend, so she didn't have the heart tu hurt Oca's feeling. "let the hurts come to me" she thought. "I don't want to hurt Oca" and then she felt her first broken heart.
One day, Rini told her that she was arguing with her boyfriend. and then Lia gave suggestions, and asked Rini,
"why did you accept him as your boyfriend if you always argue with him nowadays? Did you just play with him?"
"no I'm not, Lia. I do love him. But I don't know why.. now he often neglect me."
"eng.. Rini. would you tell me something?"
"what is it Lia?"
"You did love Fahri, didn't you?"
"hhh, yes I did. But I didn't want to hurt Oca, she loves Fahri that much, even Fahri doesn't love her, though."
"ohaha I see. I've been being suspicious for a long time with you. I've been watching your movement Rin."
"Haha, Lia.. it must be very happy to be Fahri's girlfriend, right?"
"Hey, I don't know. I don't love him"
again, she lied to herself. how hurt it was.
so, she knew that Oca and Rini have an eye for Fahri.

And guess what? Fahri acted like he had an eye for Civa! Lia knew that first because she likes to watch what people do. And she can guess easily what do people think, why do people act like that, what do people do and so on. She told Rini and Oca.
"Hey, looks like Fahri has an eye for Civa, you see?"
"Uh-huh? so what?"
"Okay, here is my plan. Would you join me to do this mission?"
"what's the plan?"
"I want you to help me in order to intimate Fahri and Civa, how's that?"
"eng.. o, okay. How about you, Oca?"
"If you say so, I'll join."
and they started their mission. After some days, Civa felt strange about her friends.
she asked Lia,
"Lia, what are you doing? is there any secret you hid from me?"
"No, Civa. there aren't any secrets."
but Civa looked distrustful. Lia didn't care of that haha.

Lia didn't tell me the rest of the story, she've decided to forget Fahri, although they've gone to different school, they often meet at the course. yes, they go study to the same course. with Civa too.

nah sekarang gausah setres lagi baca nya, ceritanya lumayan mengharukan yaa :') ih kesian deh temen gue si Lia itu. It's okay Lia, life must go on :')

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